The mind
has exactly the same power
as the hands
not merely to grasp the world,
but to change it.
- Colin Wilson

How can massage therapy cure grievance and trauma?  

     Many feel they can overcome their pain with a cry that allows them to rise above heartache, or they feel that touch is a bad experience or instant remembrance.  One must realize that emotions are locked within us, which can cause physical, emotional, and mental injuries that will not heal themselves.  Proper grieving requires that we come to terms with our losses while easing the “pain” out of our body; which may have been suppressed for years.  Massage therapy is the physical process that reconnects the body with the mind. With these techniques, you will notice a decrease in muscular pain, anxiety, depression, blood pressure, heart rate, stress, hormones, and sleeping disorders, as you become aware of your body once again.



Benefits of Massage


  • Promotes Relaxation
  • Reduces pain
  • Helps with sleeping difficulties
  • Boosts your Immune System
  • Decreases Stress
  • Increases your Range of Motion
  • Balances your energy
  • Increase circulation by increasing the oxygen and nutrients to your major organs
  • Decreases muscle tension
  • Decreases swelling
  • Increases joint flexibility
  • Decreases anxiety
  • Physiological and emotional balance.